Unit 5 Greenwich Place, Capricorn Crescent, Capricorn Park, 7945
Phone:+27 (0)21 788 9788
Email: sales@millianinks.co.za
Unit 5 Greenwich Place, Capricorn Crescent, Capricorn Park, 7945
Phone:+27 (0)21 788 9788
Email: sales@millianinks.co.za
Unit 5, 12 – 14 Winnipeg Avenue, Aeroport, Spartan
Phone:+27 (0)11 392 2455 / +27 (0)11 392 2456
Email: salesjhb@millianinks.co.za
We continue to be at the forefront in the local print and packaging print industry with our extensive range of both locally manufactured and specialist, cutting-edge imported inks and coatings.
We have an extensive range of locally manufactured inks that are complemented with locally manufactured varnishes, adhesives, additives and wash-ups.
Millian Inks continues to lead the way in the understanding and supply of products suited to meeting the evolving European Legislation for Food Safety in packaging printing through our sales and support of both Cationic and Free Radical inks.
Another key differentiator is our locally formulated and manufactured UV Flexo Free Radical MilliCure Inks and our water-based Aquamill range of inks. All of our over print varnishes are designed to work in synergy with the inks we formulate.
In addition to this we also supply imported low odour and low migration conventional and UV paste inks.
The excellence of our products is proven by the number of times our inks are mentioned in the winning entries for the FTASA’s Print Excellence Awards over the last five years.
Zeller+Gmelin has for many decades been associated with high quality products and technical innovation.
They offer solutions to meet all narrow web requirements, including the printing of self-adhesive labels, in mould-labels and flexible packaging.
They are acknowledged as a market leader in low migration ink technology for the food packaging industry.
With over 100 years of printing and ink experience we are able to combine technology with the ability to make things happen in order to provide innovative solutions that deliver real value to our customers.
Millian Inks offer quality products, excellent service, competitive pricing and market driven innovation.
Our technical team have also invested five years to successfully produce special effect inks and coatings for flexo and silkscreen applications.
Previously the lack of local resources and expertise made special effects too difficult and costly to produce.
We work closely with designers to ensure that costs and technical capabilities are taken into account in order to get the effect desired.
We are committed to providing an excellent service to our customers, and to provide effective solutions to customer and market needs.
Our customers are assured of continued advice and expertise from our experienced sales representatives, technicians and support staff.
We carefully pick our suppliers and equally carefully select our staff, our equipment and the products we manufacture.
Millian Inks is a leading manufacturer, distributor and supplier of specialised inks and coatings to the South African narrow web print industry.
With our head office in Cape Town, and a regional office in Johannesburg, we have a national footprint that covers the Western Cape, Gauteng and Kwa-Zulu Natal.
We have an extensive range of locally manufactured inks that are complemented with locally manufactured varnishes, adhesives, additives and wash-ups.
We also provide specialised imported products from like-minded specialist companies.